At conclusion of the intership work program a short report to sum up the developed work is produced. The titles are here indicated.
First edition:
- Monte-Carlo Methods and PDE Solvers for the Study of Stochastic Processes in High Intensity, High Energy Laser-Plasma Interaction – José Mariano (supervised by MSc. Oscar Amaro)
- Experimental setup for nonlinear material study and characterization – Maria Santos (supervised by Prof. Hugo Pires)
- Implementation of Bremsstrahlung in Osiris – Nuno Marques (supervised by Dr. Bertrand Martinez)
- Lens Calculation and Implementation of the Human Eye Model by Liou and Brennan – Tiago Avelar (supervised by Prof. João Dias)
- Application of the Wigner Distribution Function to Optical Systems Tiago Garrão (supervised by Prof. Luis Silva)
Second edition:
- Nonlinear material study and characterization – Hugo Gomes (supervised by Prof. Hugo Pires)
- Mid-Infrared laser diagnostics – João Francisco Marques (supervised by Prof. Hugo Pires)
- Novel radiation tool for plasma simulation codes – Diogo Miguel dos Santos Simões (supervised by Prof. Jorge Vieira)
- AWAKE experiment (CERN): precise characterisation of long accelerator plasmas – Diogo Tovar Nogueira de Lemos (supervised by Dr Nelson Lopes)
- AWAKE experiment (CERN): interface with plasma forming pulsed power units and related diagnostics – Arianna Rigo (supervised by Dr Nelson Lopes)
- Xvision experiment: development of compact laser-plasma accelerators for x-ray light sources – Tiago Prates de Carvalho Garrão (supervised by Dr Nelson Lopes)
- Internship on particle trajectories in extreme electromagnetic and gravitational fields – Afonso Santos (supervised by Thomas Grismayer)
- Toric Intra-Ocular Lens (IOL) calculation for astigmatism correction in cataract surgery – João Pedro Ferreira Biu (supervised by Prof. João Dias)
- Fundamental of Plasma Instabilities – Gabriel do Carmo Rouxinol (supervised by Prof. Luis Silva)
Third edition:
- Mid-Infrared laser diagnostics – Carolina Pires (supervised by Prof. Hugo Pires)
- Data-driven extraction of reduced models for plasma physics processes – Estevão Gomes (supervised by MSc. Diogo Carvalho)
- Particle-in-cell simulations of laboratory mini magnetospheres – Bianca Augusto (supervised by MSc. Filipe Cruz)
- High-harmonic generation with space-time beams – Carolina Fernandes (supervised by Prof. Marco Piccardo)
- Building Wavefunctions in Quantum Circuits – Gabriel Almeida (supervised by MSc. Oscar Amaro)
- Weibel instability in CERN fireball beams – João Luis Rosa Chaveiro (supervised by Prof. Luis Silva)
- Fundamental of Plasma Instabilities – Manuel Ratola (supervised by Prof. Luis Silva)
- Particle drifts in astrophysical plasmas with ultra strong magnetic fields – Maria Nunes (supervised by Prof. Luis Silva)
- Using Blender for Plasma Visualization – Margarida Pereira (supervised by Prof. Luis Silva)
- Multiscale Instabilities in Astrophysical Plasmas – Leonor Gonçalves (supervised by Prof. Frederico Fiuza)
- Reduced Plasma Models Using Interpretable Machine Learning – Duarte Alexandrino (supervised by Prof. Frederico Fiuza)